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The workbenches below aren't your typical woodworking benches with laminated hard maple tops and tail vices, but they work quite well. The bench on the left provides for pegboard storage above, additional storage below, as well as a power strip and a Wilton Woodworker's Vice that together with the bench dogs, works well as a poor man's tail vice. The second bench is a bit lower, and provides another vice/bench dog combo with Workmate inserts, as well as a platform for my Compound Miter Saw, box of chisels, phone, music box and Grizzly sharpening station.

Workbench_1.jpg (82981 bytes)            Workbench_2.jpg (76917 bytes)

Band_Saw.jpg (39201 bytes)To the right of the main bench is a Jet Dust Collector. I also have a Jet air filtration unit suspended from the ceiling. To the left of the bench is the Delta 12" band saw you see on the right. If I were to make this purchase again, I'd buy a 14" band saw as all the accessories are made for these saws. A 12" saw seems to be lost in no-man's-land between the smaller bench top saws and the 14" and larger saws (if you look closely you'll see a tennis ball that keeps me from getting banged up whenever I bump into the end of the right rail; good idea for any similar projections you might have in your own shop).

Router_Table.jpg (49136 bytes)From a Wood Magazine plan, I built this router table out of MDF, though never quite got around to painting it. The Porter Cable 7518 router is the router of choice for this table and can handle anything I throw at it. It's coupled with an Incra Intellifence that I don't know if I'd buy again if given the chance. I've since added dust collection to the side as well as the fence, and it does a reasonably good job. I have a variety of bits, though I am partial to Jesada and Freud, though not religious about it. To the right of the table you'll see a foot peddle for turning the router on and off. I used to have a regular dead-man's peddle without a shroud, though after accidentally stepping on it whilst changing a bit and nearly taking my fingers off, I thought it better to purchase one with a shroud to prevent a future accident (I was fortunate that it cut through its own power cord before it got to my fingers; every woodworker at some point has one or more experiences where something goes awry and the first thing you do is to take an accounting of your body parts to make sure they're still there. This was one of those experiences!).

Jointer.jpg (36200 bytes)The jointer to the left was picked up by my dad for nearly free at a garage sale. It needed a new power cord and a whole lot of TLC but hey, you can't beat the price right? (Particularly when the wife is not ready for that Powermatic 8" jointer purchase quite yet :-) 

Drill_Press.jpg (60596 bytes)The drill press is your standard 16.5" Delta machine. I've been pleasedDrill_Press_Vice.jpg (40496 bytes) with it as have so many all over the world. The magnetic vice was built from plans from a magazine and really comes in handy when drilling small or odd-shaped items. The grinder is, well, a grinder.

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